Our RFP Writing Services are not ordinary. They are experiential.

At GovAdvice we don’t just write, but we teach you to win. Our process engages you from start to finish. Initially we do a one-hour intake to learn more about your business and organize a shared google drive designed to hit the ground running. We want you winning at the start. No excuses.

 "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish

and you feed him for a lifetime." - Proverb

Google Drive Services

Your google drive includes the set-up of specific folders and template documents needed to prepare successful bids and responses. Organized into Active, Submitted, No Bids and the special WON! sections, we’ll teach and work with you to develop a winning structure that drives you to the next level.

After our initial intake, we’ll start the hunt with you to find the perfect opportunity. We’ll teach you how to pinpoint real potential - not just any bid or RFP. We’ll introduce Indicators of Success that we develop with you and our team uses them too provide some extra research time scouring active listings. When an active match is found, we get to work on the next phase: Writing a Response

Template Development

Your google drive puts you in control of our writing process. Our team develops the templates needed for each bid - most of which can be used for future responses. The RFP/Bid Components Folder stores all the documents you need - by level of government. We share learning materials about various topics like bid, performance, and payment bonds.

A focus of our service is to help you decide on the pricing for your response. We use our database of over five million recent contracts to dive into comparative details required for previous wins by your competition. We collect and analyze the data to advise you based on overall evaluation criteria used for each specific response.

Timely Updates

Indicators of Success

Pricing Research

You and your opportunity drive our schedule. Whether the response is due in 3 days or 3 weeks, we develop our schedule to fit your requirements, including Timely Updates!

From the start, you are in control. A hallmark of GovDirections, there are no long-term commitments, and you can cancel and TAKE your google drive with all the goodies with you. In fact, it is our GOAL that you leave this service in 3 months because you are winning on your own. Our task: Teach you to Fish! However, we’ll be there as long as we are fishing together.

Our Services

A premium research package starting at $34/mo is required prior to joining RFP Writing by GovDirections.


Individual packages start at $290/month for up to 4 Hours of Services with no long-term agreements required

Personal Assistance

Individual packages start at $750/month for up to 8 Hours of Services with a minimum 3 month agreement


Individual packages start at $1500/mo for up to 12 Hours of Services with a minimum 3 month agreement